Install Spreed video calls on Nextcloud
This installation guide is tested with Nextcloud 11. At first, install Coturn and WebRTC. Install Spreed video calls Click on Enable. Configure Spreed video calls Copy the turn secret grep
WeiterlesenKnowledgebase von Gerald Allerstorfer
This installation guide is tested with Nextcloud 11. At first, install Coturn and WebRTC. Install Spreed video calls Click on Enable. Configure Spreed video calls Copy the turn secret grep
WeiterlesenThis installation guide is tested with Nextcloud 11 and Ubuntu 16.04 x64. Nextcloud OCR (optical character recoginition) processing for images and PDF brings OCR capability to your Nextcloud server. Currently
Weiterlesen/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password ‘new-password’ Variante mit Safe Mode Falls die Variante mit mysqladmin nicht funktioniert, den Safe Mode verwenden. Zuerst den MySQL-Server stoppen service mysqld stop Dann
Weiterlesenvi /etc/profile Am Ende einfügen: # Display mitnehmen ############################## if test -z “$DISPLAY” -a “$TERM” = “xterm” -a -x /usr/bin/who ; then WHOAMI=”`/usr/bin/who am i`” _DISPLAY=”`expr “$WHOAMI” : ‘.*(\([^\.][^\.]*\).*)’`:0.0″ if
WeiterlesenEnable mods a2enmod proxy proxy_http Edit Apache config on your local machine vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyRequests Off ProxyPass /intranet/ http://www.intranet.lan/ ProxyPassReverse /intranet/ http://www.intranet.lan/ </VirtualHost> Save and restart Apache service